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Bowel Nosodes in Homeopathic Practice
by John Saxton 2nd edition

Saltire Books 2012

£23.99 (£26.99 inc UK p&p)

The group of eleven homeopathic remedies known as the Bowel Nosodes are unique in both their derivation and the opportunities that they offer. Although they have some indications in acute prescribing, because of the connection and resonance that they have with the miasmatic forces that are active in the body, they are particularly useful in the treatment of chronic disease.

The origin of these remedies lies in human medicine, and there are still major indications in that field. Their development is traced and the concept behind them is explained and discussed within the context of modern homeopathic thought. The general uses of the group in the clinical situation are outlined, and the materia medica of the individual bowel nosodes is discussed. The various methods of using the bowel nosodes are illustrated with nine case histories from the human world and ten from the animal, demonstrating the common guidelines that are applicable to all species.

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Repertory of Veterinary Homeopathy
by John (Jack) Hoare MRCVS, VetMFHom

Saltire Books 2012

£24.99 (£28.00 inc UK p&p)

This book is written as a 'desk-top' guide for veterinary surgeons who have an interest in homeopathy. At present training tends to emphasize the use of homeopathy in long-standing chronic conditions which are refractory to treatment by modern pharmaceuticals. However the correct use of homeopathy in the early stages of a disease process can prevent such chronic diseases from becoming established in the first place and this book will seek to facilitate more extensive use of homeopathy in general small animal practice.

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Remodelling Medicine
by Jeremy Swayne BM, BCh, MRCGP

Saltire Books 2012

£39.99 (£43.99 inc UK p&p)

Modern medicine is dominated by a scientific method that focuses on the biological mechanisms of disease, and on developing medical technology to control them. It has achieved great things, but at a cost that is becoming unaffordable. And at the expense of a deeper understanding of human nature and the complex personal dimension of illness and disease – their origins and their significance in the whole experience of our lives. At the expense, too, of a deeper understanding of how to promote health and healing, taking full account of this personal dimension and encouraging more effectively the self-regulation and self-healing that we know is possible. These concerns are widespread within the healthcare professions and amongst patients

Remodelling Medicine celebrates the biomedical approach and the benefits that it has brought us, but accords it a more modest place in our understanding and management of human suffering, illness, disease and healing; in which biological events and imperatives are better understood in terms of their biographical significance and meaning, and our concern with the disordered parts is a consequence of our ‘worth-ship’ of the whole. Dr Swayne provides a persuasive argument that change is necessary, that there has been a long-standing belief amongst many engaged in or concerned with medicine that this is so, and that the momentum for change is growing; and offers pointers to the direction that change should take.

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Plants: Homeopathic and Medicinal Uses from a Botanical Family Perspective
by Frans Vermeulen and Linda Johnston MD

Saltire Books 2011
£315.00 (UK p&p £5)

Plants are the largest section in both the homeopathic materia medica and traditional medicine. The various materia medicae and repertories list over 2000 plants remedies, but the amount of information available on which to base prescriptions is sparse at best.

This major work in four volumes details over 2000 individual plant remedies classified in 150 botanic families. Drawing on a wealth of information from provings, clinical observations, herbal uses, folk lore, mythology, botany, personal accounts, toxicology and other sources, the authors weave an in-depth, coherent picture of each botanic family and its members. Each family’s themes and organ system affinities are discussed, supported by the plants’ chemical composition, physiological and pharmacological effects. In addition, for each plant remedy, Plants, lists the number of rubrics in modern repertories, as well as phytochemical composition, official and common names, botanical descriptions and distribution.

Combining the clarity and detail for which Frans' work is renowned with Linda's years of clinical experience promises to deliver a definitive text on plant remedies.

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Please note - Freeman's supply this book in the UK only. For international sales, contact Narayana Books or WHN

Horses and Homeopathy - A Pocket Guide
by Tim Couzens MRCVS, VetMFHom

Saltire Books 2011

£14.99 (£17.00 inc UK p&p)

Horses are unique animals which have evolved and adapted to a huge range of environments and lifestyles. Homeopathy too has evolved – we have expanded and added to our knowledge of the remedies since Hahnemann’s time. We understand them more intrinsically and can apply them more effectively in treating ill health and disease through a deeper insight.

In this handy guide, Tim Couzens has brought together information from over 20 years experience in veterinary practice. Each chapter covers a different area of the body or system, as well as infectious diseases, the foal, behavioural problems and first aid. Under each section are brief descriptions of common problems listed next to the suggested remedy, potency and dose in a comprehensible, easy-to-use format. With experience and a good basic knowledge of equine health problems, careful observation and detailed remedy knowledge, readers can use the information to help treat, resolve or provide support for a vast range of conditions.

This book fulfils a need for a quick, accurate, practical and up to date book that should appeal to a wide audience - owners, yard managers and veterinary surgeons alike.

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An Introduction to Veterinary Medicine
ed. Steven Kayne PhD, FRPharmS, DipAgVetPharm

Saltire Books 2011

£49.99 (£53.50 inc UK p&p)

An Introduction to Veterinary Medicine will equip pharmacists, veterinary nurses and SQPs with the knowledge necessary to enable a confident and appropriate  involvement in this fascinating area of practice.  The book provides  information on public health issues associated with keeping animals, veterinary pharmacy including the  formulation and supply of veterinary medicinal products as well as comprehensive sections on the maintenance of good health and the management of disease in companion animals, equines, fish, birds and food producing animals. There is also a section on complementary and alternative therapies for animals.

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Genius of Hahnemann
by Francis Treuherz MA, FSHom

Saltire Books 2010

£29.99 (£33.00 inc UK p&p)

Walking into Francis Treuherz’ home in North London is like walking into the long history of homeopathy. Over his lifetime Francis has respectfully collected thousands of homeopathic texts and items that reflect homeopathy’s rich history and profound information. The question for someone not so acquainted with the history of homeopathy is where to start and where to finish, in appropriately selecting reading materials from classical authors and biographers. Not to worry, Francis has done so in this book!
Francis has chosen to highlight many writings that are most relevant to the current conflict in which homeopathy is embroiled. He highlights the early period when Hahnemann attempted to turn the tide of hundreds of years of medicine using treatments via opposites and material perspective, changing that to the use of similars and a vitalist approach. This book emphasises the process by which Hahnemann and followers introduced the core principals of energetic medicine.

As the reader works through the varied biographies a dramatic picture builds up of Hahnemann’s life where we know the outcome but are shown the different roads along which he travelled. It is like the story of the blind men and the elephant. Each writer interprets Hahnemann in his own way, but each with such delight and personal and professional fulfillment, and we may learn from them all.

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The Child's World
by Dr Linda Johnston

Saltire Books 2010
£27.99 (£30.49 inc UK p&p)

Generations of homeopaths have successfully treated children using the traditional approaches of materia medica, repertory, keynotes and classification into children types. As successful as these methods have been, there have always been some cases that were not helped. As a result new ideas and advances have taken place to expand our skills and knowledge for better results.
Homeopathic prescribing is undergoing a tremendous evolution due to the recent advent of ideas such as the grouping of remedies into families, connecting a child’s remedy to the mother’s during pregnancy and understanding how the remedy source is expressed through the patient’s symptoms, called source-based prescribing. These advances are also having a positive impact of the treatment of children. The Child’s World elaborates on the ways the new ideas in homeopathy can benefit children.

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Homeopathic Practice
edited by Dr Steven Kayne

The Pharmaceutical Press, 2008

£34.95 (£38.00 inc UK p&p)

Homeopathic Practice uniquely approaches the subject of homeopathy by demonstrating how the theoretical principles directly translate to day-to-day practice. Contributions from international experts along with case studies and personal accounts highlight how homeopathy is practised in a variety of different environments around the world.

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Homeopathic Prescribing - Pocket Companion
Dr Steven Kayne & Dr Lee Kayne

The Pharmaceutical Press, 2007
£19.99 (£22.00 inc UK p&p)

Here, at last, is a truly useful and practical guide for practitioners and knowledgeable amateurs wishing to prescribe homeopathic medicines. This experienced father and son team have produced a handy pocket size book providing general information on homeopathy and the related disciplines in its first part. The key points of history, preparation, nomenclature and use of homeopathy are presented clearly and concisely in this section. The second part of the book features decision tree flowcharts and accompanying materia medica notes to assist in choosing the most appropriate homeopathic medicine for a range of common acute and minor ailments. It should be noted that this book is primarily presented for health professionals and is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified practitioner in the prescribing of homeopathic medicines.


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